Configuration ============= Setup ~~~~~ Paris requires `Idiorm`_. Install Idiorm and Paris somewhere in your project directory, and ``require`` both. :: require_once 'your/path/to/idiorm.php'; require_once 'your/path/to/paris.php'; Then, you need to tell Idiorm how to connect to your database. **For full details of how to do this, see `Idiorm’s documentation`_.** Briefly, you need to pass a *Data Source Name* connection string to the ``configure`` method of the ORM class. :: ORM::configure('sqlite:./example.db'); You may also need to pass a username and password to your database driver, using the ``username`` and ``password`` configuration options. For example, if you are using MySQL: :: ORM::configure('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my_database'); ORM::configure('username', 'database_user'); ORM::configure('password', 'top_secret'); Model prefixing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setting: ``Model::$auto_prefix_models`` To save having type out model class name prefixes whenever code utilises ``Model::for_table()`` it is possible to specify a prefix that will be prepended onto the class name. The model prefix is treated the same way as any other class name when Paris attempts to convert it to a table name. This is documented in the :doc:`Models` section of the documentation. Here is a namespaced example to make it clearer: :: Model::$auto_prefix_models = '\\Tests\\'; Model::factory('Simple')->find_many(); // SQL executed: SELECT * FROM `tests_simple` Model::factory('SimpleUser')->find_many(); // SQL executed: SELECT * FROM `tests_simple_user` .. note:: It is possible to define the table name by setting ``$_table`` in your individual model classes. As documented in the :doc:`Models` section of the documentation. Further Configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The only other configuration options provided by Paris itself are the ``$_table`` and ``$_id_column`` static properties on model classes. To configure the database connection, you should use Idiorm’s configuration system via the ``ORM::configure`` method. If you are using multiple connections, the optional `$_connection_key` static property may also be used to provide a default string key indicating which database connection in `ORM` should be used. **See `Idiorm’s documentation`_ for full details.** Query logging ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Idiorm can log all queries it executes. To enable query logging, set the ``logging`` option to ``true`` (it is ``false`` by default). :: ORM::configure('logging', true); When query logging is enabled, you can use two static methods to access the log. ``ORM::get_last_query()`` returns the most recent query executed. ``ORM::get_query_log()`` returns an array of all queries executed. .. _Idiorm’s documentation: .. _Idiorm: