Multiple Connections

Paris now works with multiple database conections (and necessarily relies on an updated version of Idiorm that also supports multiple connections). Database connections are identified by a string name, and default to OrmWrapper::DEFAULT_CONNECTION (which is really ORM::DEFAULT_CONNECTION).

See Idiorm’s documentation for information about configuring multiple connections.

The connection to use can be specified in two separate ways. To indicate a default connection key for a subclass of Model, create a public static property in your model class called $_connection_name.

// A named connection, where 'alternate' is an arbitray key name
ORM::configure('sqlite:./example2.db', null, 'alternate');

class SomeClass extends Model
    public static $_connection_name = 'alternate';

The connection to use can also be specified as an optional additional parameter to OrmWrapper::for_table(), or to Model::factory(). This will override the default setting (if any) found in the $_connection_name static property.

$person = Model::factory('Author', 'alternate')->find_one(1);  // Uses connection named 'alternate'

The connection can be changed after a model is populated, should that be necessary:

$person = Model::factory('Author')->find_one(1);     // Uses default connection
$person->orm = Model::factory('Author', 'alternate');  // Switches to connection named 'alternate'
$person->name = 'Foo';
$person->save();                                     // *Should* now save through the updated connection

Queries across multiple connections are not supported. However, as the Paris methods has_one, has_many and belongs_to don’t require joins, these should work as expected, even when the objects on opposite sides of the relation belong to diffrent connections. The has_many_through relationship requires joins, and so will not reliably work across different connections.